Results of Congress Events Сonsidered at Meeting of IPA CIS Council

21 November 2024

Results of Congress Events Сonsidered at Meeting of IPA CIS Council

The results of the 4th Eurasian Women’s Forum were presented at the Council meeting by a member of the Eurasian Women’s Forum Organizing Committee, Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Foreign Affairs Elena Afanasyeva.

More than 100 events were held within the main program of the IV Eurasian Women”s Forum. It was attended by more than 2000 delegates, including 574 foreign representatives from 126 countries and 21 international organizations. More than that, the first BRICS Women’s Forum was held.

Dmitriy Kobitskiy shared information about how the international tourism forum Travel Hub “Commonwealth” was held in Dushanbe – for the first time the event was organized in an off-site format. It was attended by about 300 representatives of executive authorities and the professional community from the CIS countries, as well as the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the State of Kuwait.

The forum participants developed recommendations for developing the tourism industry, strengthening international cooperation, and ensuring its entry to a qualitatively new level.

The Secretary General informed the heads of parliaments about the results of the international forum “Commonwealth of Fashion”, which ended at the headquarters of the IPA CIS yesterday.

This year’s event was attended by more than 1500 representatives of the light industry, including textile, leather, footwear and creative industries, government authorities, specialized educational institutions, experts from all CIS countries and a large pool of media representatives.

The experts discussed the most relevant issues for the professional community: overcoming modern challenges, developing human resources, searching for new technologies and growth points, and expanding cooperation within the CIS region.

Traditionally, the collections of designers from Russian Federation’s regions and all CIS countries were shown. For the first time, the guest country Angola was represented in the show.

The participants of the meeting got information about the work of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health. The details were announced by its Chair of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Public Health, RAS academician Yury Shcherbuk.

The heads of parliaments also approved the members of the IPA CIS Expert Advisory Board on Culture. He was introduced by Chair of the IPA CIS Permanent Commission on Culture, Information, Tourism and Sport, member of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Erkin Zahidov.

At the end of the meeting, the Council approved the IPA CIS Work Plan for 2025.